Thursday, December 4, 2008

பினாங்கு - இலங்கையில் தொடரும் இனப்படுகொலையைக் கண்டிக்கும் கண்டனக் கூட்டம்

இலங்கை தமிழர்கள் படும் இன்னல்கள் நாளுக்கு நாள் அதிகரித்து கொண்டே போகின்றன. அப்பாவி தமிழ் பொது மக்கள் மீது தொடர்ச்சியாக இனப்படுகொலையைக் கட்டவிழ்த்து விடப்படுவதால் சொந்த நாட்டிலேயே 2 இலட்சத்திற்கும் அதிகமான மக்கள் அகதிகளாக சொல்லொணா துன்பத்தை அனுபவித்து வருகின்றனர். அந்த மக்களுக்கு மலேசிய தமிழர்களின் ஆதரவினையும் - இலங்கையில் தொடரும் இனப்படுகொலையைக் கண்டிக்கும் நோக்கிலும் மலேசியாவின் வட மாநிலத் தமிழ் - தமிழர் சார்ந்த பொது அமைப்புகள் (பினாங்கு கெடா பேராக் பெர்லீஸ் மாநிலங்கள்) சார்பில் கடந்த நவம்பர் 1ம் திகதி ஒரு கண்டனக் கூட்டம் நடைப்பெற்றது.

இக்கூட்டத்தில் வட மாநில தமிழ் இயக்கங்களில் பொறுப்பாளர்கள் பலர் கலந்து கொண்டு தமது கண்டனத்தினை வெளிப்படுத்தினர். பினாங்கு மாநிலத் துணை முதல்வர் பேராசிரியர் முனைவர் பி.இராமசாமி, சட்டமன்ற உறுப்பினர்களான திரு. இராயர், திரு. இரவீந்திரன், மலேசியத் திராவிடர் கழகத்தின் தேசிய உதவித் தலைவரான ச.த.அண்ணாமலை, தமிழ்நெறிக் கழகத் தலைவர் இரா. திருமாவளவன், ஐபிஎப் கட்சியின் உதவித் தலைவர் திரு. மதியழகன் என பல அமைப்புகளின் முக்கிய பொறுப்பாளர்கள் கலந்து கொண்டனர்.

ச.த.அண்ணாமலை அவர்கள் குறிப்பிடுகையில், ஈழத் தமிழர் சிக்கல் என்பது பொதுச் சிக்கல். அதற்காக நாம் அனைவரும் ஒன்றிணைந்து குரல் கொடுக்க வேண்டும். இக்கண்டனக் கூட்டத்தின் இறுதியில் நிறைவேற்றப்படும் தீர்மானங்கள் செயல்வடிவம் பெறுவதை நாம் உறுதி செய்ய வேண்டும் என்றார் அவர்.
சட்டமன்ற உறுப்பினர் திரு. இராயர் அவர்கள், "ஈழத் தமிழர் சிக்கல் என்பது உலகத் தமிழர்கள் சிக்கலாகும். இதனை மனித நேய முறையில் நாம் அணுக வேண்டும். பலமுறை ஈழத் தமிழர் சிக்கல் மலேசிய நாடாளுமன்றத்திற்குக் கொண்டு செல்லப்பட்டுள்ளது. ஆனால் கொண்டு செல்லப்பட்ட ஒவ்வொரு முறையும் நிராகரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. இருந்தாலும் தொடர்ந்து நாடாளுமன்றத்தில் குரல் எழுப்புவோம்" என்றார் அவர்.
தொடர்ந்து சிறப்புரை ஆற்றிய பினாங்கு மாநிலத் துணை முதல்வர் பேராசிரியர் முனைவர் பி. இராமசாமி ஈழத்தில் நடக்கும் இனப்படுகொலை குறித்த தனது வன்மையான கண்டனத்தினை வெளிப்படுத்தினார். மேலும் அவர் குறிப்பிடுகையில், இலங்கையில் சிங்களவர்கள் தான் வந்தேறிக் குடிகள். தமிழர்களுக்குப் பதில் அவர்கள்தான் நாட்டை விட்டு வெளியேற வேண்டும். இலங்கை இராணுவம் உடனடியாக இனப்படுகொலையை நிறுத்தியாக வேண்டும். அதற்கு கட்சிகள், அமைப்புகள், நாடுகள் வேறுபாடின்றி உலகத் தமிழர்கள் ஒன்றிணைந்து குரல் எழுப்ப வேண்டும். வல்லரசு நாடுகள் ஆயுத உதவிகள் செய்வதை நிறுத்திக் கொள்ள வேண்டும். மலேசிய அரசாங்கம் எங்களை தீர்மானங்களை நிராகரித்தாலும் தொடர்ந்து குரல் எழுப்புவதை நிறுத்தமாட்டோம் என்பதை உறுதியாக குறிப்பிட்டார்.
இறுதியாக, இக்கண்டன கூட்டத்தில் 8 தீர்மானங்கள் முன்வைக்கப்பட்டன.
கடந்த 37 ஆண்டுகளாக, குறிப்பாக இலங்கைத் தீவின் வடக்கு- கிழக்கு பகுதிகளில் வாழும் தமிழ் மக்களுக்கு எதிராக, சிறிலங்கா அரசால் மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டு வரும்:
1. கண்மூடித் தனமான இராணுவ நடவடிக்கைகள் உடனே நிறுத்தப்பட வேண்டும்.
2. விடுதலைப் புலிகளை அழிக்கும் நடவடிக்கை என்ற போர்வையில், ஒட்டுமொத்த ஈழத் தமிழ் மக்கள் மீது மேற்கொள்ளப்படும் தமிழ் இன அழிப்பு படுகொலையைச் சிறிலங்கா அரசு முற்றாக நிறுத்த வேண்டும்.
3. ருNர்ஊசு எனப்படும் ஐ.நாவின் மாந்த நேய - மனித உரிமை விதிகளை மதித்து ஏற்று, அதன் அடிப்படையில் சிறீலங்கா அரசு நடந்துகொள்ள வேண்டும் என கண்டிப்பாக வலியுறுத்துகின்றோம்.
4. சிறிலங்கா என்பது ஒரே நாடு என்றும் - அதில் வாழும் எல்லா இன மக்களும் அனைத்து வகையான உரிமைகளையும் பெறத் தகுதி உள்ளவர்கள் என்று கூறிக் கொள்ளும் சிறிலங்கா அரசு, ஈழத் தமிழர்களுக்கு எதிராக பொருளாதார, மருத்துவ, உணவுத் தடைகளை நடைமுறைப்படுத்தி ஈழத் தமிழர்களை அழித்து வருவதை நாங்கள் மிக வன்மையாக கண்டிக்கின்றோம்.
5. சிறிலங்கா - ஐ.நாவின் உறுப்பு நாடு என்பதாலும், ஐ.நா என்பது, உலக மக்களின் நலனுக்கு - அமைதிக்கு - வளர்ச்சிக்கு பொறுப்பேற்றுள்ள உலக அமைப்பு என்பதாலும் - ஐநாவின் பொதுச்செயலர் உயர்திரு. பான் கீ முன் ஈழத்தில் நடக்கும் படுகொலைகள் மற்றும் மாந்த நேயத்திற்கு முரணான செயல்களைத் தடுத்து நிறுத்தும் வண்ணம் உடனே உருப்படியான நடவடிக்கைகளை எடுக்க வேண்டும் என வலியுறுத்துகின்றோம்.

6. பாகிஸ்தான், பாலஸ்தீனம் போன்ற உலக நாடுகளில் இனப் படுகொலைக்கு எதிராக துணிந்து குரல் கொடுக்கும் மலேசிய அரசாங்கம், அதேபோல் ஈழத் தமிழர் இனப் படுகொலையைக் கண்டித்து சிறீலங்கா அரசாங்கத்தையும் வலியுறுத்தியும்- கோலாலம்பூரில் இருக்கும் சிறிலங்கா தூதுவரையும் அழைத்து பேச வேண்டுகிறோம்.

7. தமிழ் இன அழிப்பைத் தொடர்ந்து நடாத்தி வரும் சிறிலங்கா அரசுக்கு: படையியல், பொருளியல் , ஆயுத, தொழில் நுட்ப உதவிகள் செய்துவரும் இந்தியா - சீனா, பாக்கிஸ்தான், ஈரான், இசுரேல், பிரிட்டன், அமெரிக்கா, ஆஸ்திரேலியா, யப்பான் மற்றும் பிற உலக நாடுகள் அனைத்தையும் உடனடியாக சகல உதவிகளையம் நிறுத்துமாறு கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறோம்.
8. தமிழ் ஈழத்தில், சொல்லொணாத் துன்பத்தில் சிக்குண்டுள்ள நம் தமிழ் உறவுகளுக்கு மலேசியத் தமிழர்கள் அனைவரும் ஒன்றிணைந்து எல்லா வித உதவிகளையும் செய்வோம் என் உறுதியளிக்கிறோம்.

தமிழர் போராட்டம் மலேசியாவில் வாழும் தமிழ் மக்கள் தொடர்ந்து உதவ வேண்டும் என்ற உறுதிப்பாட்டுடன் இக்கண்டன கூட்டம் நிறைவுபெற்றது.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Born Of PIDA - Penang Indian Development Agency

Penang Indian Development Agency - PIDA, inspired by Penang's Deputy Chief Minister Professor Dr.P.Ramasamy. PIDA will be force behind Indians development in Penang. PIDA will be state affliated agency, which will be play role of mediatator between Penang State govt,Govt bodies,Financial Institutes and other related agencies.

PIDA's aim is to upgrade the Indians in 3 main factors,namely Economically,Politically,and Socially. When a community is strong in Economy,by nature it will also be strong in the other 2 factors. And the efforts to upgrade the Indian economy should be started from the base,its not appropriate to come up with mega-sized ideas and projects which left uneffected.The best example for mega-sized day dream is MAICA Holdings.

So,for start PIDA will look into Penang Indians economic struggle from it base. PIDA is currently actively organizing forums statewide. The forum series kicked off in Professor's own constituency Batu Kawan;was attended by few Indian youths from nearby areas. Though the crowd was less,but the spirit was high. We saw some of the young entrepreneurs who is willing to fight hardly to success. The forums will be spreadheaded to other areas as well.the next stop will be Prai. Followed by other Parliament constituencies.

PIDA will be totally different from other youth organisations or agencies,which failed upgrade the Indian community in the country. There won't be political interference in PIDA. PIDA will move freely without relying to any political party.PIDA's policy will be free from political influences. Malaysian Indians learnt their lesson from mega-economic-project such as MAICA Holdings. PIDA wont involve itself in any business related activities, but will create ways and channels to Penang Indians to explore businesses. PIDA will also be mediatator between Goverment Agencies and the Indians who interested in specific business.The example is like,we'll be middle person between Agricultural Dept and the youths who wished to explore Agri-Cultural sector.

PIDA membership is open to all Indians who resides in Penang.
Indian Youth Organizations,Cultural Organizations, and Sports Club are welcomed to affliate themselves into PIDA. We'll create Better Penang Indian Community.

* PIDA was totally inspired by Professor himself, and he preferred non-political approach to upgrade the Indians in the state. With his capability as DCM of Penang, he'll help as much as he can to PIDA. Professor clearly said that there wont & shouldn't be political appointment or interference in PIDA.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Professor Ramasamy....speaking not only for Batu Kawan,for Malaysia.

These are the clips from Malaysian Parliament. Prof In Action.......

YB.Professor Dr.P.Ramasamy,MP for Batu Kawan,debating Geology Bill......

YB.Professor Dr.P.Ramasamy,MP for Batu Kawan raising question about FELDA's relevance....

Friday, August 22, 2008

Support for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

New Dawn For Malaysia
Anwar Ibrahim ; Leader for All
We are in Prai Service Team fully supporting by-election campaigns in P44,Permatang Pauh.
YB.Professor.Dr.P.Ramasamy pledged his full support to DSAI to win the by-election.Professor also did took part in the ceramahs through out the constituency in these 10 days.The video and pictures of Professor campaign for DSAI will be added shortly.

Vote Anwar for Malaysia Free of UMNO
Professor's upcoming campaign events in P44,Permatang Pauh :-
22nd August 2008, 8 pm ,Seberang Jaya Mariamman Temple.
24th August 2008, 6pm - 11.59pm , Padang Awam Sembilang , Seberang Jaya.
Hope to swing Indians in P44 towards Pakatan Rakyat to achieve our aim of Malaysia for Malaysian concept.
Hidup,Hidup......Hidup Rakyat!!
Hancur,Hancur.....Hancur BN!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Will Indians remain just sweepers and guards?

Selected writings of YB.Professor Dr.P.Ramasamy

This article was wrote few years back;before the Malaysian Indians Uprising,HINDRAF Rally and March 8th Political Tsunami.

Courtesy of :

Of late, a series of incidents in the country have revealed the vulnerability of the Indian community. Today it hasbecome a common practice to talk of Indians as a minority, weak in terms of their political and economic status, a community afflicted with all kinds of problems, a community prone to engage in most violent forms of conduct and others.

If there is an incident, there is tendency on the part of the Indian middle-class and other ethnic groups to put the blame on Indians in general. For instance, in the Petaling Jaya Selatan episode, an impression was given the racial strife were caused by some irresponsible Indian gang members. In brief, there is growing tendency to view Indians as a problematiccommunity in the country afflicted with all kinds of political, economic and social ills. A community waiting to be rescued from the clutches of evil by political parties, the government and other welfare-orientated organisations.
Of course, there is growing amnesia on the part of many to disregard the immense contribution of this particular community in making Malaysia what it is. Brought from India as semi-slaves in the beginning of the last century, they cleared the forest, hills and other physical impediments so that modern infrastructure could be built.
Plantations would not have been the mainstay of the Malaysian economy until the 1960s and 1970s had it not been for thecontribution - sweat and blood - of Indian labourers. Thousands perished in building this country to what it is today. After more than hundred years of their existence, Indians remain poor, neglected, patronised and marginalised in a country that was build by them and others.
More than this, they have been subjected to worst forms of discrimination, shunned and pushed to the edge of the mainstreamsociety. Paradoxically, they are considered a burden to the nation.
Impossible dream
Given the viciousness of racial politics perpetrated by the present ruling regime, Indians by themselves stand no chance to compete and struggle to better themselves. Lacking the historical experience of capital accumulation like the Chinese and unable to obtain governmental assistance like Malays, Indians are basically afloat in a quagmire without the benefit of an alternative leadership.
A leadership that will provide the community with a new political vision, a vision that will take them from the present doldrums so that one day they could emerge proud and dignified. The racial game of Malay hegemony has caused irreparable damage to the human existence of Indians, particularly those who belong to the working class category.
Racial ideology and the everyday practices of racism have virtually made it impossible for Indians to lead decent lives in the country. Denial of decent jobs, licenses, contracts and others have prevented Indians from emerging as a dynamic group. Today, working class Indians can only aspire to become coolies in the private sector, drivers for the rich, security guards, office boys, errand boys, sweepers and others.

Upward mobility in the Malaysian racist society is an impossible dream for thousands and thousands of Indians in the working class categories both in plantations and in urban areas.
No human being would want to put up with injustice and discrimination for long. Indians are no exception, there is a definitelimit to where they can be pushed and bullied. They want no special preference, but existence free from injustice, discrimination and cruelty.
Indians have no hostility towards other races, but would want the latter to respect their nationality rights and vice versa. However, they would not want to put up with present situation of extreme racism for too long. Too much time has been wasted in depending on certain political parties within the government for their salvation.

Inalienable rights
There is growing realisation that an independent political course has to be charted for their future in this country. In the near foreseeable future, Indians will have no choice but to fight for their rights and for their rightful place in the Malaysian society. Whether there are political parties in the opposition that will provide Indians with this new vision, leadership and sense of purpose is difficult to gauge at the moment. If the opposition is genuinely interested in taking up the cause of Indians, then a serious attempt should be made to address their nationality rights.
What is particularly significant today is for the emergence of an alternative leadership for Indians, a leadership that will have to be led by Indians with vision to resurrect the status of the community.

A leadership that will take up the struggle of Indians so that they would emerge as a significant national group in the country fullyendowed with their inalienable rights as citizens, free from discrimination, enjoying full rights like other citizens, right to theirmother-tongue education, full access to jobs, education and others.

In short, an alternative organisation for Indians should start by championing the nationality rights which among other things will seek to dismantle the sources of present racism and injustice in the country.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Meet the people session - Taman Mas,Taman Prai

"We'll conduct such sessions regularly"said Prof.Rama

"Police will take part in such sessions",said Tuan Suhaimi

"Its good start from a good change"senior citizen referred 12th GE

Mr.Goh,on behalf of residents of Tmn Mas & Tmn Prai submitted a memorandum

Place : Taman Mas
Date : 3rd August 2008
Time : 9 am - 12.00 pm
Prof.Ramasamy's service team has started meet the people session around Prai (N16) constituency.This session will give space for voters around Prai voice out their problems to Yang Berhormat Prof.Dr.P.Ramasamy himself.

The session dubbed as "Pemimpin bersama Rakyat" in Bahasa Malaysia,kicked off in Taman Mas,Taman Prai area on 3rd August 2008(Sunday),where Prof.Ramasamy present to the session and listen to the people's grouses.

Besides Prof,also present were Tuan Suhaimi,from Police dept on behalf of SPT OCPD,Municipal Councillors Mr.Ramiah,Mr.Ramachandran,and Mr.Soon,Heads of village security and development committees(JKKK) Mr.Amal Dass and Mr.Nathan and other Prai Service Team Members.

During his speech Professor said,such sessions will be held regularly,so that people can voice out their grouses to related authorities.And promised Pakatan Govt of Penang will meet and serve the rakyat all the time,not only during election period.

Tuan Suhaimi on his behalf thanked the residents of Taman Mas and Taman Prai for their effort to fight the criminal activities in this area.And welcomed such sessions to be held regularly with Police Dept,and promised Police Dept's co-operation in future.

During the session,
A senior citizen said he was very happy to see Prof in this area,and hope that such session will BE conducted regularly in this area.
Another senior citizen also called on to conduct such sessions frequently,and regarded the session as good space for the residents of Taman Mas and Taman Prai.

Generally,residents of both area was very happy,and regarded Prai Service Team effort to conduct such session as formerly there was none session like this was held.They also said,this is a good change from the last General Election.

Later,residents of Taman Mas and Taman Prai submitted a memorandum to YB.Professor Dr. P.Ramasamy.

The next "Meet the people Session" will be held in Taman Senangin,on 17th August 2008,where Prof will meet people from Tmn Senangin and Kg.Main.Road.

We are multi-racial coalition and we work for all races - Prof.Ramasamy

Via Malaysiakini,

Penang deputy chief minister P Ramasamy has rebutted claims that the Pakatan Rakyat state
government has been indifferent to the plight of the Indian community.

He emphasised that while it is unfair to expect drastic improvements to the lot of ethnic Indians less than five months after the March 8 election, Penang itself has seen several notable achievements to prove its detractors wrong.

Within his own parliamentary constituency of Batu Kawan, Ramasamy said Indians were appointed to head five village security and development committees (JKKK).“This had never happened under the Barisan Nasional in Penang. In the last (Gerakan-led) state government, only one Indian had been appointed to head a JKKK,” he said when contacted.

The DAP-led Penang government has also ensured Indian representation in the state executive council as well as city and municipal councils, said Ramasamy, who is also Perai state assembly representative.

He also cited the awarding of land to two Tamil schools, two Hindu temples and groups of goat and cattle breeders.A state-level committee was also set up to look into the plight of Tamil schools, while youth groups have been established to alleviate the problems faced by the Indian poor, he added.

The former academician-turned DAP politician was responding to criticisms against the Pakatan state governments this week from Indian-based groups, who alleged the DAP-PAS-PKR coalition had failed to fulfill promises made in the March election campaign.“Pakatan Rakyat ruling parties, be it DAP in Penang, PAS in Kedah and Perak and PKR in Selangor, seemed to have made empty electoral promises to the Indians," said Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) national coordinator TS Thanenthiran.

Small disgruntled group
They also described Ramasamy’s appointment as Penang deputy chief minister as having been more “a curse than a blessing” to the community.In a scathing retort, Ramasamy claimed the bitterness of this “small disgruntled group” was due to the failure to secure their own appointment as local councillors and members of a certain state religious body. “We can accept criticisms, but not mere attempts to discredit the Pakatan governments. Why don’t they come and meet the state government representatives to raise these issues?” he asked.Ramasamy also criticised them for insisting on setting up state Indian councils aimed at planning and implementing beneficial programmes for the Indian community.Unlike Barisan Nasional, Pakatan Rakyat is not merely a coalition of parties that represent exclusively the various ethnic communities, said Ramasamy.

“I’m helping the Chinese and Malay communities as well. I’ve given financial aid for suraus and Chinese temples. If they want state Indian councils, then should we also set up state Malay councils? What about state Chinese councils? What about state councils for Orang Asli? “This is not the Pakatan formula. We are a multi-racial coalition and we work for all races,” he stressed.

Monday, July 21, 2008

JKKK Appointment in Penang

The Prai JKKK : Mr.Sampu,Mr.Nathan,Mr.Dass

Mr.Dass JKKK Chairman for Perai recieving his appointment letter from CM

Mr.Sampunathan JKKK Chairman for Kg.Teluk,Kg.Stul,Kg.Jawa recievng his appointment letter from CM.

The Appointment of JKKK Chairmen for Penang by YAB Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

The first ever appointmets of non-malay as JKKK Chairmen showed Penang Pakatan Govt Penang For All Policy.

Hope this JKKK Chairman will do their duty

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Welfare event at Teluk Indah.

Date : 20-06-2008
Place : Teluk Indah-2,Community Hall

Event :
Professor Ramasamy has launched welfare programme jointly organized by Agensi Khidmat Muhibbah and Prai Service Team.

The event is supported by Welfare Department's Mobile Unit.

Co-operate or just Lay Off....

Though,BN had almost whiped out of Penang(except UMNO),but we still have problems with some of the longstanding BN loyalists.

Its not wrong to support your party,but dont sabotage our efforts to help people!!
You guys were in power for past 50 years,but still failed to fulfill people's needs.That is the main reason people rejected your party.Nothing personal!!

But,some of this BN loyalist seems to be enjoying sabotage our efforts to serve people and they're also seems like enjoying demonise our members!!
When it comes to people's need,everyone should join hand.It's not a matter that we can politicise.
So,co-operate with us to serve people better,or just lay-off;don't disturb us!!

What our primary objective for now is serve people,colour blindly!
Regardless of Race,Religion,or Political affliations.
Hope this BN fellows will understand this,and fight us fairly in next GE.
Till then stop sabotaging us and stop demonise our efforts!!
You have given a chance to perform,you unable to perform,now people gave us chance to prove ourselves,so Lay Off and let us to do our work!!

This blog is started to answer all the baseless allegation that they threw against us and to display our achievement.

Hope to get constructive comments from all.

Thank You.